For critical products like Gears and gear shifting systems, Customer oriented services are of paramount importance because these products are so critical for a machine or vehicle performance that a constant information flow between Supplier and Customer must be mantained at all times.
Customer service and support is the never ending activity that a capable Supplier must always be able to perform; at Cattini, the typical family background results in a continous pressure to achieve excellence that characterizes every single step in the business relationship.
Under the Customer centric approach – One voice and One face – the Account manager is responsible to co-ordinate all activities related to the business relationship and to ensure that the Customer’s Total Procurement Experience (TPE) with Cattini remains always at a high level.
The Account manager is prepared to manage both strategical, technical and logistic tasks and is capable to work on a agile working basis, mixing traditional professional practises with innovative approaches to reach for the highest efficency and effectiveness.
The Technical and Engineering department provides adequate technical support, analysis, feedback to Customers to identify the best solutions to achieve the given targets, both technical and economical. The Technical department has identified many good practises for design and development of gears and can provide the correct solution even considering the variable of the volumes to be produced.
The Production Logistic team is peerless capable of interfacing with the Customer to learn the requirement curve of each product and to analyse in advance the trends for each segment of business of our Organization. It provides fast and accurate delivery information and co-ordinates all production departments to achieve the targeted delivery date. It is capable to analyze and handle all major EDI standards. Thanks to this team, Cattini achieved and mantained Partner-level performance with all its major Customers in every segment of business it serves.