Quality is the spirit that permeates every activity and every person employed in Cattini e Figlio; it’s the guideline of our Organization towards our ultimate goal, that is to achieve and maintain excellent performance levels on the global markets and the complete satisfaction of our Customers as well as everyone of us by means of an endless application of the Continuos Improvement philosophy.

The foundations of our Enterprise Management System are:

  1. the compliance of our Products and Services to the explicit and implicit Customer’s expectations;
  2. the safety of everyone working in and for our Organization;
  3. the care for the Environment where we operate;
  4. the highest respect our Organization shall grant to all of our Customers, Suppliers, Employees;

Cattini e Figlio was first certified according to US Automotive standard QS 9000 in 2003; in 2009, Cattini followed the evolution to the global automotive standard ISO/TS 16949 and, finally, to the IATF 16949 which it holds since February 2018. Cattini e Figlio also holds a ISO 14001 environmental management system certification since 2013 and it’s preparing the ISO 45001 within FY 2022.

Cattini is also proud to be running a management model to prevent legal offences, recognized by the Italian law (Legislative decree 231/2008) as a further step to prove our uncompromising approach to ethics and legality. An independent oversight board audits between 2 and 4 times per year our management model and procedures to ensure compliance to this standard. Together with the IATF and ISO audits, this means that Cattini’s Enterprise Management System is verified between 4 and 6 times every year. We believe this to be the best assurance for our Customers and Stakeholders about the correctness our family runs the business.

To download our Quality, Environment, Health and Safety, Sustainability Policy please click here.

To download UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 – IATF 16949:2016 certificate please click here.

To download UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 certificate please click here.

To download UNI ISO 45001:2018 certificate please click here.

In conformità alle disposizioni vigenti, potete scaricare la politica qualità, ambiente, salute e sicurezza, sostenibilità della Società in lingua italiana cliccando qui.