Media & Downloads
MEDIA & DOWNLOADS Would you like to receive information on the latest updates? subscribe to our newsletter, you will be updated on the latest news about Cattini e Figlio I’mMaleFemale First name Last name Email User TypeCustomerSupplierStakeholder By continuing,…
Ethics documentation
ETHICS DOCUMENTATION Cattini & Figlio is deeply involved in business ethics; Cattini is part of the UN Global Compact since 2009 to affirm our commitment to the 10 Universal principles for making a truly sustainable business. Each year, Cattini publishes on the UNGC website a Communication On…
VISION&MISSION Our vision is that customers will need and demand increasing support from their suppliers to endlessly develop better global solutions for the future; our mission therefore is to be, and remain, THE preferred gear source for our Customers and to fulfill their requests for…
Quality, Environment, Health and safety, Sustainability policy
QUALITY, ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND SAFETY, SUSTAINABILITY POLICY Quality is the spirit that permeates every activity and every person employed in Cattini e Figlio; it’s the guideline of our Organization towards our ultimate goal, that is to achieve and maintain excellent performance levels on…
HISTORY Mr. Pierino Cattini matured a significant technical background during the second world war, where his task consisted in producing gears and other sophisticated components for military vehicles and ships. After the war, Mr. Cattini started his own business under the strategy to endlessly…